
Ibn 'Abbas said:

“One day when I was behind the Prophet (upon him peace and salvation), he said to me: “O young man! Shall I teach you some words by which Allah will enable you to benefit? ".

I replied, “Of course! ".

He said: “Preserve Allah and He will preserve you. Preserve Allah and you will find Him before you. Know Allah in ease and He will know you in difficulty. When you ask, ask Allah. When you seek help, seek help from Allah. The pen is lifted and the pages have dried. If all creatures would come together to try to benefit you through something that Allah has not ordained, they could not achieve it. And if they conspired to harm you, through something that Allah has not decreed, they could not achieve it. Know that immense good rests in patiently enduring what you hate, that victory comes with patience, relief comes after distress, and ease comes after difficulty. ".

The author, Ibn Rajab, said:

“This hadith contains very important advice and universal principles that deal with the greatest and noblest aspects of this religion. So much so that Imam Abu al-Faraj said in his work Sayd al-Khatir : “I meditated on this hadith and it struck me with wonder. I was so amazed that I almost got dizzy. ". He then said, “The prevailing ignorance of this hadith and the resulting lack of understanding is truly distressing! »

MuslimLife Editions

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