
So were Our Pious Predecessors - Tawbah Editions


The Prophet -Sala Allahu alayhi wa salam- said: "The believer in the most perfect faith is the one whose behavior is the best" (Sahih Abu Dawud).

Here is summarized, in one sentence, the deep meaning of following the path of the pious predecessors (As-Salaf As-Sâlih).

This blessed path has two inseparable parts: that of belief and that of good behavior.

Thus, if we would not accept anyone to attach themselves to the behavior of the pious predecessors, while abandoning their belief, it is also not appropriate to understand their belief without attaching themselves to their attitude and their behavior.

This book is intended to be a selection of the most poignant wisdoms, stories, and sayings of our pious predecessors, so that they may be a constant source of inspiration in our lives.

So, even though they are now gone, their example lives on in our hearts.

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