Sins and Healing

Sins and Healing - Tawbah Editions
This work is one of the best works dealing with the education of the soul, the mortal dangers that sins incur, the absolute necessity for man to get rid of them, and to proceed to an examination of conscience and a sincere repentance.

Its author is one of the greatest specialists in heart ailments, which he treats with remedies drawn from the most eminent sources, namely the Book of Allah and the Sunnah of the Messenger of Allah (Alayhi salât wa salâm).

The origin of this work is a question posed to the author who was questioned about a man tried by an evil which would ruin his life here below and the beyond if he persisted there.
Ibn Al-Qayyim considered the predicament in which this man found himself, the extent of this evil among the people, and he saw that it was more appropriate to give a detailed answer rather than a concise answer. Sincere counsel and benevolence towards him and his fellows involved including in the answer the causes of this evil and its disastrous consequences, as well as an orientation towards the means to protect oneself from it and get rid of it.

It is for this reason that his answer became a detailed work. He says: "Part of the generosity in science, when the questioner seeks an exemplary answer, not to be satisfied with a succinct answer..."

Elsewhere he took this as proof of the completeness of the advice, science and guidance of the mufti. This is how Ibn Al-Qayyim's response is, the response of a learned educator, wise and of good advice. An extensive and detailed response, a pinnacle in the field.

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