Ibn Rajab Al-Hanbalî said: “The term Sunna designates the path taken and it includes the attachment to all that the Prophet (-) and his Rightly Guided Caliphs were on as beliefs, works and words.
This is the complete Sunna, and this is why the pious predecessors only used the term Sunna to designate that which encompassed all of this. (Jânif Al-'Ulùvi wû-l-Hikam)
This is the path taken by Imam Al-Barbahâri, and although his work is short, it deals with the essentials of the belief and the path of Abl As-Sunnah wa-l-Jamâ'ah.
The fame of the author and his epistle has spanned the centuries. In each era scholars have praised him and taught his book, so much so that he has become, like Imam Ahmad, an emblem of the Sunnah. This is why Abu 'Abd Allah Al-Faqih said: "If you see a person from Baghdad loving Abu Muhammad Al-Barbahari, know that he is a follower of the Sunnah. »